Gerry's Auto Care, Inc.

5700 Dixie Highway
Waterford, MI 48329

(248) 461-6265

Contact Information

Gerry's Auto Care, Inc.

5700 Dixie Highway

Waterford, MI 48329

Email Us

Feel free to call or email us to schedule your next appointment.


Business Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


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We accept all major credit cards.

Transmission Maintenance

For those of you who aren’t mechanically-savvy, you probably still understand that transmission problems are among the most expensive repairs required for your vehicle. That’s because your transmission is a complex system of gears that transmit mechanical power to your engine, ultimately determining the rate of speed you travel. Transmissions convert this power from the engine so that it can supply high torque at low speeds, in addition to selecting which gears are appropriate based on the driving conditions. This is especially true with automatic transmissions—by far the most popular transmissions found in the US. Rather than using a clutch to engage the transmission, automatic transmissions use a torque converter (between the engine and transmission) to control the number of gears when driving. Supplying the power to regulate gear action is a demanding task, which is why it’s important for you to contact Gerry’s Auto Care in Waterford, your transmission service specialists. Here are some of the essential maintenance tasks we complete:

  • Drain transmission and torque converter
  • Refill Automatic Transmission Fluids (ATF) with new fluid

Transmission problems typically arise when regular service is neglected. When fluids aren’t properly changed, heat caused from mileage friction results in rough shifting, accelerated wear, and even complete failure. That’s why it’s essential that you turn to us to make sure that your transmission is lubricated and cooled by the finest quality transmission fluids, installed by our service professionals.

Contact Information

Gerry's Auto Care, Inc.

5700 Dixie Highway

Waterford, MI 48329

Phone: (248) 461-6265

Email Us

Feel free to call or email us to schedule your next appointment.


Business Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


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We accept all major credit cards.

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